Fellowship Program

Mayflower’s Fellowship program is part of our Positive Impact Plan and is designed with the objectives of providing skills, training and education in industry and business-applicable areas to facilitate in resume building and employment seeking. This program will focus on making such opportunities accessible to individuals facing systemic barriers and individuals in geographical communities of disproportionate impact to help tailor its efforts for the greatest positive impacts.


It is Mayflower’s intention to be a contributing, positive force in areas of disproportionate impact and to assist in changing the perception of those associated with marijuana use.

Each semester, at least two (2) eligible fellows from the local community will be given an opportunity to gain relevant skills and industry experience in an area(s) of interest as a registered Mayflower agent. To be eligible as a fellow, a candidate must be at least 21 years of age and meet the other minimum qualifications set forth in 935 CMR 500.000 for Marijuana Establishment Agents. In addition, individuals will need to meet one or more of the following qualifications to be considered for the fellowship program: Past or present residents of the geographic “areas of disproportionate impact,” which have been designated by the Cannabis Control Commission and identified in its “Guidance for Identifying Areas of Disproportionate Impact”; State-designated Social Equity Program participants; Massachusetts residents who have past drug convictions; or Massachusetts residents with parents or spouses who have past drug convictions.

Areas of focus will include operations, cultivation, product manufacturing, marketing and branding, and business management. Each fellowship will last approximately 3 months, and fellows will receive one-on-one training, training manuals and materials, and regular evaluations. At the end of the fellowship, fellows will be eligible for full-time hiring. Mayflower will also serve as a reference when appropriate.

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